Thursday, 21 April 2011

To be messy or not to be messy?!?

To be messy or not to be messy?!?  That is the question.

Am I being a bad parent for not letting my girls get dirty?

I feel like I have trouble letting my kids get dirty.  I'm a stickler for making sure they always have to look nice and if that means going without (food wise) then sometimes I will take that option.  Strange I know and that's why I'm asking other mothers if they experience the same thing?

If Miss H decides she wants to play outside I have to consider what she is going to wear and then if she comes in dirty I cringe.  I also consider what she is going to wear when we go to town and what we will be doing there.  I will definitely not put her in a good dress if we are going on a playdate in the park however then I have the dilemma of does she still look nice.

I cringe when Miss H asks me if she can paint (she's only painted a couple of times and she's almost 3).  I hate that she mixes the paints and gets more over herself than the paper.  Maybe I'm a little OTT.  Thankfully I have a lovely friend ( that makes paint smocks and I ordered one which cuts down on some of the cringe factor.

One pet hate is when Miss H has had her bath and is ready for bed and hubby will come in absolutely filthy (cows and cars don't make for a spotlessly clean man) and ask for a cuddle. COME ON! Although after a few scoldings from me, hubby will now check if she's in her PJ's before asking.

Don't get me wrong occasionally I'll go with the flow and Miss H will get filthy dirty or wet through, but those times are few and far between.

Seriously am I strange or do most mothers have a cringe factor when it comes to getting dirty/messy??

Have a safe and Happy Easter.

KT x

P.S. Here's a photo of Miss A I took yesterday

This time I was glad we hadn't mowed the lawn or I wouldn't have got this shot.

1 comment:

  1. As my Moo was a reflux baby, I quickly got used to the fact that all of us were going to be covered in vomit for most of the day - so the messy factor doesn't worry me with the clothes, etc. Messy moments create memories - cooking, playdough, mud, paint - it's all what being a kid is all about!

    BUT with saying that....I have a real problem with cleaning the house and having my tornado behind me. Placing the shoes neatly by the door and having Moo mess them up, or picking up the toys only to turn around and have them all over the house again.

    We all have our little 'erks' and perks of Motherhood! But we wouldn't change it for the world. X
