Saturday, 18 June 2011


Dreams, targets, goals, plans, .......all of us have them however very few of us actually follow through on them.  Is it a FEAR thing?

I know in my case it is.  The FEAR of rejection.  The FEAR of not living up to people's standards.  The FEAR of getting it wrong, and most of all the FEAR of failure.

When I thought about making cupcakes for people for a "hobby" it was fun and I enjoyed being able to provide friends with something that they could share with their family and friends that looked good and tasted devine.

Now comes the FEAR. 


There are so many people that do what I do but "better".

If you have a look on Facebook you will find so many cake/cupcake places that share their gorgeous creations and quite frankly I feel overwhelmed and frightened by the thought of someone asking me to creation something similar.

Am I crazy? Probably
Can I fix it? Probably
Problem: Time and money

There are so many cake/cupcake decorating courses that I would love to do and tools of the trade that I would love to own but funds just seem to be out of my reach.  Also I would need someone to look after my darling girls. (Mum why did you have to move so far away - Love you).

Seems I need to get myself out there a little more to be able to afford the finer cupcake details..... either that or watch a bucket load of Utube videos.  (Yes they have been helpful)

Well that's my whine/whinge for the day.  Maybe one day that Lotto ticket will produce a couple of hundred dollar bills so that I may attend one of the courses and my mum be here on a holiday to look after the girls.

Red Velvet
Looks like I have another dream to fulfil.

On another note I am trying out quite a few different recipes at the moment because there are so many family birthdays.  Next one is White Chocolate Mud Cupcakes.  Yum!  My flavour list on KTs-Sweet-Treats is growing.

Hoping you are all having a fabulous Sunday.

Sweet Eating
KT x